Persistent Disk

Google Persistent Disk is a part of the GCP block storage.

To encrypt a persistent disk, in a specific GCP project, in a specific region, using a specific encryption key:

gcloud compute disks \
    create encrypted-disk \
    --kms-key \ projects/[KMS_PROJECT_ID]/locations/[REGION]/

Best practices

  • Encrypt both the OS and data volumes.

  • Encrypt each data volume at creation time.

  • Encrypt the machine instance snapshots.

  • For highly sensitive environments, encrypt persistent disks using a CMK inside Google Cloud KMS.

  • Set names for Google’s persistent disks to allow you to have a better understanding of which persistent disk belongs to which machine instance.

  • Use tagging (labelling) for persistent disks or snapshots for a better understanding of which disk or snapshot belongs to which machine instance.